Plotting the far fieldΒΆ

This example contains the simulation of a plane wave scattered by a spiral of fifteen glass spheres on a glass substrate under oblique incidence. Click here to download the Python script.


ambient DSCS


ambient DSCS (integrated over \(\alpha\))


substrate DSCS


substrate DSCS (integrated over \(\alpha\))

After the simulation has run, the differential scattering cross section is evaluated in a post processing step. The left column shows the 2D-differential scattering cross section, \(\mathrm{DSCS}(\alpha, \beta) = \frac{\mathrm{dSCS}}{\mathrm{d}\Omega}\), whereas the right column shows the 1D distribution (i.e., the integral over the azimuthal direction coordinate), \(\mathrm{DSCS}(\beta) = \frac{\mathrm{dSCS}}{\mathrm{d}\cos\beta}\).

In the substrate far field, the critical angle is visible as a ring-shaped feature.

Click on the following link to view the API documentation of the function that is used to calculate and plot the fields. smuthi.postprocessing.graphical_output.show_scattering_cross_section()